Create and share standalone XR experiences with TechViz PubliShare XR PUBLISHARE

Create and share standalone XR experience

Record the 3D information of your 3D model and share them later on as an immersive standalone xr experience with XR PubliShare. Play the record elsewhere on your prefered immersive technology without having to open the native software and navigate in AR / VR.


Create and share standalone XR experience

Record the 3D information of your 3D model and share them later on as an immersive standalone xr experience with XR PubliShare. Play the record elsewhere on your prefered immersive technology without having to open the native software and navigate in AR / VR.

Standalone secured immersive experiences for easy on-the-go presentations

  • Capture all of your 3D model’s data from any CAD software and publish it in XR.
  • Play the 3D data as a standalone XR experience.
  • Share the XR experience with as many people as you want.
  • Only the person who captures the information of the model needs to have the native software and TechViz.
  • The person who plays the model only needs TechViz to visualize it and navigate in XR.
  • Navigate and interact freely in the standalone XR experience, with all of TechViz features.
  • High-level data security of your 3D data as it is only a recording. The person who visualizes the model cannot modify the 3d data.
  • Ideal to be on the go: no need to open the native CAD software nor specific expertise when visualizing the model in VR.

Standalone secured immersive experiences for easy on-the-go presentations

  • Capture all of your 3D model’s data from any CAD software and publish it in XR.
  • Play the 3D data as a standalone XR experience.
  • Share the XR experience with as many people as you want.
  • Only the person who captures the information of the model needs to have the native software and TechViz.
  • The person who plays the model only needs TechViz to visualize it and navigate in XR.
  • Navigate and interact freely in the standalone XR experience, with all of TechViz features.
  • High-level data security of your 3D data as it is only a recording. The person who visualizes the model cannot modify the 3d data.
  • Ideal to be on the go: no need to open the native CAD software nor specific expertise when visualizing the model in VR.

XR PubliShare can accommodate all kinds of displays

Navigate from your

VR Headset

From your

Immersive Room

Or even from your


XR PubliShare can acommodate all kinds of display

Navigate from your VR Headset

Or your AR Headset

From your Immersive Room

Or even from your Powerwall

Use cases

Product presentations

Visit a customer with an immersive version of your ongoing project. There is no need for the native CAD software or specific expertise, anyone can open the XR PubliShare recorded file, display the model, and even navigate in it in situ, using any AR or VR device.


Start training future users of a new product or facility early on. Using XR PubliShare, associated with TechViz authoring tool (available in the course of 2023), almost anyone can create engaging training scenarios to maximize learning outcomes.

Want to try TechViz PubliShare?

Come to our showroom and we’ll make you a personalized demo, or you can even try it home with a 15-day trial

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