[SAVE THE DATE] TechViz will be exhibiting at Autodesk University on DELL’s booth F100 and in The Factory, in Las Vegas, USA. You will have the chance to try live demonstrations of TechViz and its functionalities!

Meet TechViz and its partners DELL and Meta at Autodesk University 2017. At this occasion attendees will be able to try live demos of TechViz XL and its functionalities with Autodesk 3D models, from applications like 3ds Max, Navisworks, Revit, Maya, Motion Builder or Alias. Bring your own Autodesk 3D model and display it instantly in a HTC Vive. You will live a fully immersive VR experience.

Professionals from the Architectural, Design and Manufacturing industries use TechViz XL, 3d visualization software, for their project review, during the phase of conception of their buildings or warehouses. Architects and  engineers can navigate in a virtual building in a virtual environment and validate ergonomics for workers postures. They can also check machine behaviors and correct design errors directly on the virtual prototype. All can be done in real time and without any data conversion.

Display instantly your virtual building in 1:1 scale. Interact with your model in real time. Test and simulate, correct mistakes at an early stage of your product development.


Bring your own Autodesk model and try TechViz displayed without data conversion on a HTC Vive thanks to Dell Precision Tower Workstations

Try live Mixed Reality demonstrations with Meta’s new Meta 2. Feel how powerfull VR and AR are when combined.

Contact us now to book a customized demo with your own 3D model!

About Autodesk University

Autodesk University is a 3-day event, held from 2017 November 14th to 16th in The Venetian, in Las Vegas, USA. This event gathers professionals from the architecture, design, manufacturing and media industries for 3 days of learning, inspiration and in-depth skills development. Through classes, workshops, presentations, and interactive galleries, experience what’s next for your field, connect with your professional community, and explore the future of making things.


Visit the event’s website: << Autodesk University 2017 >>

Contact us for more information

Marketing – Laure Bleyer [email protected]

Sales – Nissim Gabaï  [email protected]


  • START : November 14, 2017
  • END : November 16, 2017
  • BOOTH : DELL’s booth F100 & The Factory

  • LOCATION : Las Vegas